Friday, June 19, 2020

Why Study Spanish?

Write a brief (3-4 sentence) paragraph to respond to the infographic.  What information did you already know?  How?  What surprised you?  Why?  What benefits does a country have when its citizens are multilingual?


  1. I knew about the Arabic influence on the Spanish language -- there's an interesting video of people saying words that are almost identical in pronunciation and it was really cool. I didn't know that Spanish was one of the world's most phonetic language but it makes a lot of sense -- I have a much easier time pronouncing Spanish words than I do English words from just looking at it and saying it out loud! Multilingual citizens understand interpretation and manipulation of language better which makes them more empathetic/aware of the way people navigate the world and stronger writers/critical thinkers.

    1. (This is Emily Shpiece -- I thought it would publish my name but it did not.)

  2. BP-I was already aware of the fact that Spanish is one of the most popular languages to learn. However, I did not realize that the United States had the 2nd largest amount of Spanish speakers, as I expected it be Spain or a country in Latin America.
    When citizens are multi-lingual, they can not only communicate better, but also have more respect and appreciation for the other's culture.

  3. I already knew that Spanish is one of the most phonetic languages. I knew that Spanish uses the inverted question mark and exclamation point.How did I know?I took Spanish in college. What surprised me?

  4. I didn’t realize that Mexico followed by the United States were the countries with the largest population of Spanish Speakers. I didn’t know that Spanish was the official language of the EU. I found out yesterday that Spanish is very phonetic and I think that will suit me well. Stephen

  5. I had known, or at least assumed that, Spanish was the most popular foreign language to learn in the U.S. Growing up, Spanish was the course that I took in both middle school and high school. It was the most popular language to take when I was in school. What surprised me is that Spanish is the Official Language of the UN, the European Union and the World Trade Organization. In my unconcious bias, I assumed that English would be the official language of at least the UN, but knowing that Spanish is the official language of all those organizations makes since. As we were taught yesterday, Spanish, phonetically is similar to most other languages. Knowing how to speak, read and write Spanish opens the door to knowing other languages and communicate with people of other cultures.

  6. I knew that Spanish was a popular and growing language worldwide. I also knew that Mexico was home to the largest amount of spanish speakers and that the USA was home to the second highest amount. Multilingual citizens make communication easier when moving about in different realms of society.

  7. I knew there was a difference between Spanish and Castellano, but didn't know that the term itself was used differently in how regions viewed/described Spanish. The benefits to having a multilingual citizens is multi-fold. Citizens become aware of more around the world and how it impacts them, it can enhances production and economy in the country by offering and receiving services good that my not have been available previously (think small business). It can help increase education levels, at least in terms of listening, reading or writing and curiosity.

  8. This is Lisa: Not seeing my comment, though I'm refreshing, so I'm trying again...

  9. I knew many of the facts about Spanish. I did not know that Arabic had an influence on the Spanish language. Spanish is a popular language to learn especially since there are so many Spanish speakers in the U.S.A. A country with multilingual people makes the world more well-rounded.

  10. I already knew that Spanish is the most popular foreign language to learn in the US and Canada. I know this based on the foreign language taught in schools and the most popularly spoken foreign language heard in the community.
    I learned that it is the official language of the UN, EU, WTO.
    It is important for countries to be multi lingual since we live in a global economy .

  11. From Sharon Faber
    I knew that Spanish was spoken by a lot of folks in Mexico (114 million), but not that upwards of 50 million people spoke Spanish in the USA! Also, I did not realize that Arabic had such an influence on the Spanish language. I would love to see some examples of this. Have a great day, Leo!

  12. This unknown at 9am is from Barbara Vasquez.

  13. Andrea Garris-I was aware the Spanish is the second most commonly used languages in the world. I found it interested that students who have two or more years of experience in a different language score higher on the verbal parts of SAT/ACT. When citizens are multilingual it helps process information better, your able to communicate with more people who speak in those languages and can respect other's cultures more.

  14. I knew that Spanish is a popular language, but I did not know that it is the second most spoken language. I assumed that Spanish classes have gotten more popular, but I didn't know that class enrollment has almost doubled.

  15. Two surprises from the infographic were that Spanish is the most phonetic language and that Spanish classes have doubled in enrollment worldwide. When a country is multilingual, you are able to have a more open mindset. It allows people to experience different cultures, and speak various languages.

  16. I knew that Spanish was a popular and growing language worldwide. I did not know that Mexico was home to the largest amount of Spanish speakers, I thought the USA was. Multilingual citizens make communication easier since many languages are Latin based. In addition, by learning a new language you are also learning about the culture of the places that speak that language.

  17. I didn't know that Spanish was the official language for the European Union and World Trade Organization. I did know that it is a popular language throughout the world. I also knew that studying another language does help improve SAT scores because that was emphasized in my Spanish classes in high school.

  18. I took 5 years of Spanish. I got through Spanish 3 in secondary school and took 2 semesters of Spanish in college. When learning Spanish for the first time, I was surprised by the number of cognates there are to English because I thought learning a new language would mean only learning new things. I never thought I would be able to apply my prior knowledge to the new language. The benefits a country has when its citizens are bilingual are being able to do business with other countries, being able to interact with the governments of other countries, ease of travel when visiting other countries, and learning new languages is good for the brain as well.

    1. I did not think of the business of it all! It does open doors there as well! I have a cousin in-law who does a ton of work in China because he spoke Chinese!

  19. I believe it is so important for people to be multilingual because it is a way to communicate with more people than you can even imagine. You are able to get other people's stories, lessons, wisdom, etc. Also, you can help others from students to other humans. It will open many doors for people.

  20. I knew that Spanish was the most popular foreign language to learn in the U.S., but I was surprised that it was also the most popular in Canada and Europe as well. I also did not know that it was the second most commonly spoken language in the world; it is more common than I realized. I know that is a very phonetic language, which makes it easier to know how to pronounce words that you might not know. It is beneficial for a nation to be multilingual because it allows more people to be able to communicate effectively with one another. We live in a time where the economy is truly global, so it is beneficial for citizens to speak multiple languages.

  21. I knew that there was Castellano but did not realize what it was. I also realized that it was the most popular and had much vocabulary. A country benefits from more than one language spoken because it allows for more various communication and also for individual preferences and culture to be expressed.

  22. I already knew that the majority of Mexico is Spanish speaking. What surprised me was that Spanish is the official language of the UN, the WTO, and the European Union. Communication is better when people are multilingual.

  23. It was interesting to see that people taking Spanish has doubled. If a country has multilingual citizens there is less of a communication gap.

  24. I knew that Spanish was the most popular language in the US, but did not know it was in Canada as well. I was suprised to learn that most speakers only use 7,000 words. I wonder how many English speakers use in comparison.

  25. I didn’t realize that Mexico followed by the United States were the countries with the largest population of Spanish Speakers. I didn’t know that Spanish was the official language of the EU. I found out yesterday that Spanish is very phonetic and I think that will suit me well. Stephen

  26. I did not know that Spanish was the number one language to learn in Canada and Europe. I knew it was in the United States. I am surprised to learn 405 million people are native speakers. I also did not know that the Spanish language is world's most phonetic language.

  27. I was actually surprised that Spanish was the second most commonly used language after Chinese. It sounds obvious, but my French teachers always taught us it was English first, then French, THEN Spanish, then Chinese. This was also 15 years ago, so hopefully they aren't teaching that anymore :)

  28. There are many benefits to learning Spanish. The immediate benefit would be that I will be able to connect with my Spanish speaking students more. I would also be able to connect with the families of the said students. Another benefit would be that it would open up more places in the world I could visit.

  29. Tanya Besiryan
    I knew that Castellano was another language used but I wasn't sure exactly who used this language. I did not know that Spanish is the official language of the UN. When a country is multilingual it allows for people to connect with others and their culture.

  30. I did not know Spanish was a native language to over 400 million people! The part that Canada had Spanish as a popular language was something I knew. Canada tends to accept more immigrants compared to the U.S.

  31. I already knew that Spanish was the most popular language to learn in the US. I saw it on a show on TV. I can't remember what the show was called. I did not know that Mexico was the most Spanish speaking country.

  32. I was surprised that Spanish was the official language of the EU and the WTO. I knew that it was the most popular language to learn. I am trying to learn Spanish to better communicate with my students and parents.

  33. When I was a student, my father advised me to take French. I have no idea why. French has not helped me one little bit in my life except to help me learn Spanish. I was not surprised by the infographic. It reinforced what I was already thinking. So many people around the world speak it, but more importantly, so many of my students speak it.

  34. I assumed some of the information pictured on this infographic (e.g., Spanish being the most popular language to learn in the US, Europe, and Canada), so it was nice read that this is actually the case. The use of inverted question marks and exclamation points is something I have noticed in Spanish, but didn't really think about the fact that it is the only major language that does this. I love that Spanish is phonetic, but when reading it, I sometimes forget because of my (high-school & college) French. - kso

  35. KC- What surprised me was that Spanish is the official language of the UN, the World Trade Organizations, and the European Union! I also love the use of inverted question marks and explanation marks, which makes the language unique and clear in communication. I wish learning another language, such as Spanish, was the norm and valued as it is in other countries!

  36. Spanish is the 2nd language in the world! 405 million native! I need to definitely become more fluent and teach my own children since they are Hispanic and Portuguese.

  37. LW: I knew Spanish was popular, but I didn't know it was the most popular language to learn in Canada and Europe, as well as US. I didn't know it was the second most popular overall. A second language has many benefits to communicate in many disciplines with many cultures.

  38. There are so many speaking and being able to comprehend the Spanish language. Reading the information on the graphic was informative, but not all that surprising. I was very aware that the Spanish language is widely used - which is what drives my desire to learn it! (Andrea Parker)

  39. Spanish is a very popular language. It is helpful for learners that Spanish is such a phonetic language to learn. I didn't know that Spanish was the official language of the EU. I'd hope that countries would be welcoming to diversity in language.

  40. I knew that Spanish was one of the most popular languages.I didn't know that it was the official language of the EU.- Neeta

  41. Karla Y: I new that Spanish was the most popular language because there was debate on whether it should be the business communication model. I did not know there was a language called Castellano until last year when I needed to speak with a parent. Countries that adopt and more than one language are more inviting and much better at making connections and communication:-)

  42. I already knew that Spanish is the most popular foreign language to learn in the US based on experience as both a student having learned Spanish in school growing up and now as a teacher teaching many Spanish speakers in my classes. i
    I learned that Spanish is the official language of the UN, EU, WTO.I believe it is important for people to be multi lingual because the world is getting smaller as travel and communication technology becomes more pervasive. The ability to communicate with more people is necessary in the increasingly global market place.

  43. It is important to learn Spanish because there are 405 million Spanish speakers. Likewise, Mexico there are 114 million Spanish speakers there. Spanish is the most popular foreign language learned in the United States, Europe, and Cananda. As a teacher, we should learn Spanish to help our students. I have many students who speak Spanish in my class and I want to be able to communicate better with my students.

    -Melissa Wong

  44. Learning a language is important because it increases your awareness of cultures, ability to communicate with people, and changes your thinking. Spanish the second most spoken language in the world. Spanish was spoken in the USA before English. I loved learning Spanish in high school but did not have many opportunities to practice in in Ohio. Now that I have moved to Maryland and many of my students speak Spanish, I want to become more proficient.

  45. I was aware that Spanish is the second most popular language in the world and is the second most learned language in the U.S. and Canada. However, I didn't realize that it is the official language of the U.N. or the E.U. Countries that have a high amount of bilingual speakers obviously bring in new cultures and customs and enrich the diversity of the population.

  46. I was aware that Spanish is the second most popular language in the world and is the second most learned language in the U.S. and Canada. However, I didn't realize that it is the official language of the U.N. or the E.U. Countries that have a high amount of bilingual speakers obviously bring in new cultures and customs and enrich the diversity of the population.

    Jesse Stradnick

  47. With our growing number of Spanish speaking students, it is important to us to understand more about the Spanish language. Going into this class, I knew that Spanish was one of the most commonly spoken language. However I was surprised by Spanish being the official language of the UN. I think the benefits of a country being multilingual is helping its citizens to have more access to job opportunities as well as increasing the appreciation for other cultures.

    -Sarah Kim

  48. I already knew the facts: that it was the 2nd most commonly spoken language, that they language used inverted question marks, and that the largest speaking population of Spanish is from Mexico. I already knew these facts from my travels and observations.

    I was surprised to learn that after Latin Arabic has an influence on Spanish. I think this surprised me because when I think of Arabic I think of Middle Eastern countries not in relation to Spanish.

    Benefits of being multilingual are it makes one more cultural, more communicative amongst different groups, which could lead to more job opportunities because there will not be a language barrier. Being multilingual can also raise your SAT/ACT scores because you would know the roots/ origins of words to help make sense of some of the reading and vocabulary sections.

  49. I am familiar with the fact that Spanish is one of the most top spoken language in the world. In the past, I experienced difficulties enrolling to Spanish classes due to high demands (such as this class). On the other hand, I was surprised to learn that Spanish is the official language of the Un, the European Union, and the World Trade Organization. I thought it was a mixed of other languages. The benefits a country has when its citizens are multilingual is being able to learn, communicate, and respect other people's cultures. Learning multiple languages strongly encourages diversity. - Cindy C.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. I didn´t know that Spanish was the second most widely spoken language, although it makes perfect sense to me. I also only recently learned that The United States had the second highest Spanish population; I love that fact because living in more multicultural environments broadens our horizons, makes us more open-minded and enhances our creativity. I knew that Spanish was one of the most phonetic languages, which gives me hope for my reading and writing! I knew that Spanish courses were increasingly popular because I am a French teacher, and I see the demand for my Spanish speaking counterparts and in particular AP tests. - Shilah Marks

  52. When I moved to the United States years ago, I realized that Spanish was a must learned language.
    I did not know it was the most top spoken language in the world, but I knew it was the official language of the European Union, and the World Trade Organization. I speak three languages(French, Arabic, and English) and Spanish has always been next on my list. Now that I learned that Arabic has an influence on Spanish, I am hoping that will help me become more proficient.
    I think every teacher in the MCPS should learn Spanish to be able to communicate and support the increasing number of Spanish speaking students and families.

  53. When I moved to the United States years ago, I realized that Spanish was a must learned language.
    I did not know it was the most top spoken language in the world, but I knew it was the official language of the European Union, and the World Trade Organization. I speak three languages(French, Arabic, and English) and Spanish has always been next on my list. Now that I learned that Arabic has an influence on Spanish, I am hoping that will help me become more proficient.
    I think every teacher in the MCPS should learn Spanish to be able to communicate and support the increasing number of Spanish speaking students and families.


  54. I knew some of the more general facts on the infographic like how only the number of speakers of Mandarin Chinese surpasses the number of Spanish speakers in the world and that studying a foreign language such as Spanish has many benefits. There is, however, a lot I learned from the infographic. For example, I did not realize that Spanish was the most phonetic language, but after reading that it definitely makes sense to me. I did not know the difference between the terms Spanish and Castellano; I had actually never heard the term Castellano before. I also learned that Spanish is the official language of so many important world organizations.
    Overall, the infographic definitely shows the benefits to learning Spanish, if not simply because there is a large and growing number of Spanish speakers who reside in the United States. I think that countries that have citizens who are multilingual have advantages to those, like the US, who do not. Communication is a necessary part of a productive society and language barriers get in the way of that productivity. Additionally, countries that encourage multilingualism show greater acceptance between individuals simply by those individuals being able to speak to one another.

  55. In middle school we were given the opportunity to take a Spanish I class and I absolutely loved it. I continued taking Spanish through high school and then into college. While in college I decided to minor in Spanish because I knew that being an elementary school teacher that speaking Spanish would be a valuable skill. As a part of the minor in Spanish I got to study abroad and practice Spanish in Spain. It was such a wonderful experience being forced to use Spanish on a daily basis in order to get around, eat, and travel. In my 15 years of teaching, I have always had a student and or parent that spoke Spanish. Often times I had newcomers and being able to greet them and help them find their way helped them to feel more welcome in my class. As Americans we should all be required to take a foreign language because as we learn here in the info graphic, Spanish really isn't a foreign language anymore.

  56. As a language teacher myself, I tell my students the importance of learning languages during our first class. Learning languages reduces our own biases and prejudices against others outside of our own social group and help us appreciate diversity among ourselves. I started to appreciate music from Latin America more. I feel that my life has been enriched because of it!

  57. As an English and history teacher, I teach my students about the value of learning as many languages as possible. Language reflects the soul of a people, of a land, of a culture. Spanish is integral to understanding the history and the present throughout the Americas. Without a knowledge of the language of millions of fellow citizens of this hemisphere, we risk missing out on so much, including, most importantly, an understanding of other people.

  58. I am originally from Poland. At school I learned English and Russian. I could also choose German or French at school but no Spanish. Actually, none of the high schools in my city offered Spanish classes. I have always wished that I could learn Spanish at school. That is why, I am very glad that I can finally do it. What is more, as an ESOL teacher who teaches mostly Spanish speaking students, I see learning Spanish as a necessity. I want to be able to support my lower level ELL students the best I can, and definitely being able to understand them and answer their questions in Spanish is one of the best ways to show them full support.

    As far as the infographic is concerned, I was surprised to read that Spanish is an official language of the UE, as I have thought that English and French were the official languages.

  59. My love languages are quality time and words of affirmation. This is how I show those that I love them whether they are my family, friends, or my students. Because many of my students are Spanish speakers, it is sometimes difficult to share words of affirmation or they are lost in translation. In high school, I took 3 years of Spanish. I know basic words and can pick up a few words in conversation, however I am not a fluent speaker. Because quality time and words of affirmation are important to me, it became apparent that I needed to learn Spanish to continue to meet the needs of my students and their parents.

    I also see acquiring a new language an opportunity to view what it is like for my ELL students in class. It has helped me to be more patient and offer grace to each student.

    As for the infographic, I find it interesting that the amount of Spanish classes has doubled as Spanish is the most popular foreign language to learn. I find this interesting because I hear so much dialogue around assimilating native Spanish speakers to English instead of native English speakers learning to speak a language that 405 million people speak.

  60. As a teacher in a very diverse area, knowing how to understand and speak Spanish is a very valuable skill that can help me connect with my spanish-speaking students and their families. I also love to travel, and Spanish is spoken in so many countries. I knew Spanish was the most popular language to learn in the US, but I didn't know it was the most popular to learn in Europe and Canada as well. I took Spanish in middle and high school and learned to love the language. There are so many benefits to being bilingual, such as job opportunities, understanding different cultures and customs, and being able to communicate and understand the language that 405 million people speak.
    - Jennifer Wright

  61. My main reason for studying Spanish was so that I could communicate better with my ESOL students and their families. My students are very important to me, and having the ability to speak with them in their native language will help in clarifying school expectations, and open up a broader line of communication overall.

    I knew that Spanish was a very popular language to learn in the United States, but I didn't realize that it was the most popular to learn in Europe and Canada as well, though I'm not really surprised.

    As far as the benefits of being multilingual, I believe that it is very important for a country to have citizens who are multilingual because knowing more than one language and culture allows us to be more inclusive and respectful of all of our country's diversity. By being multilingual, we can more easily learn from one another and grow as a nation.
    -Tina Fetty

  62. I knew that Spanish was the second most common language spoken in the world, and the US has the world's second largest Spanish speaking population. I also knew that the demand for Spanish coursework has increased. I was surprised to learn that the typical Spanish speaker only uses 7,000 words. I wonder how this compares to English. It appears that having a multilingual population benefits a country by expanding their ELA proficiency. I think it also benefits a population to be multilingual because it builds appreciation of other cultures. - Deborah Herring

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. While I guessed that the number of those taking a Spanish course was growing, I had no idea that Spanish Language classes worldwide have almost doubled! I knew that Spanish was one of the official languages of the UN. I did not know that Mexico is the country with the largest population of Spanish speakers. A country whose citizens are multilingual has a tapestry of experiences, ideas, cultures, and perspectives that it would otherwise lack.

  65. Most of the world speaks two languages. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world making it a natural choice. I took several years of Spanish through my freshman year of college. Naturally, I have Spanish speaking students and parents. I'd like to be able to communicate with them in their native language.
