Saturday, March 14, 2020


Key word recognition:
la fotografía -
actividad principal -
expresar con el arte-
explorar -
me gustan mucho las fotografías -

editar las imágenes -

What is the purpose of the video?

Guessing meaning from context:
-How can we say in English: "Me gusta
la fotografía porque es bien padre".

-What is an expression that you have
in English to express the same thing/


-Why do you think he likes taking pictures?

-What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru

Personal Reaction:
What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?



  1. Melissa Wastler-
    I watched this video 4 times(spent over an hour analyzing) and slowed it down, stopped it, thought about it etc. I feel the purpose of this video was to show us the things that are important to him. We found out the 3 things are photography, education, and serving the community. He wanted to share that you can express yourself through photography. The idiom I had a hard time with. I translated it as he likes photography because it is a father. I tried really hard to think about what this could possibly mean. The only thing I came up with is that a father teaches you things and therefore photography teaches him things. Doesn't make sense but I tried! I cannot think of an English idiom that would relate or is similar to this. I think he likes taking pictures because he can see the world through his art. Exploring new things and frontiers- I guess he means it's like books, you can go places without actually going there. I like the video and photography. I like the video because I enjoyed learning about him and his favorite activities, all while practicing my Spanish skills :) I like to look back on pictures that I have taken and it tells a story and reminds me of a time in the past.

  2. This video highlights what Diego likes to do in is spare time.
    One of his favorite activities is photography. Photography provides Diego the opportunity to express himself artistically.
    Another one of his favorite activities is learning new things, such as making a candle out of an orange peel. It's so cool.
    Finally, Diego tells us that his final favorite activity is spending time with family, friends, and others in his community. He enjoys life and being happy.

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?


  3. This was a easy video to follow except when he started creating the orange candle. When I replayed it and isolated certain words and realized he likes to learn about new things and invent stuff, then it made more sense as his second favorite thing to do.
    I think what he meant with new frontiers is a translation error of saying he likes to explore new things. When he kept saying, "muy padre" which I directly translated to very father, so I had to Google it. It is a very poplar term and it means "how cool" or basically, as we would say, "very cool" or basically a term to suggest that something is cool. This is something I've never heard my students say because I would have noticed since I recognize the words. I discovered this is a term in Mexican culture, which I do not have many Mexican student as I have El Salvadorian, so I wonder what "cool" is for those students. I'm sure they've said it a lot. Basically, Diego likes taking photos because he likes the expression of art and it is very cool "muy padre".
    This is a fun video that would be great to have the kids do as use their cultural slangs to help me better understand their culture and what they love to do in their free time.

  4. ∆ Traci Matsunaka...above post...

  5. The first time we watched this in class I was frustrated because I wanted to understand what he was saying. I could only pick up on maybe 3-4 words. I have watched it several more times and stopped after each sentence to try to figure out what he was really talking about. I did google some words to have a better understanding of the video. My take aways are:
    He likes taking pictures as his main activity because he expresses himself through art. I was so confused about the padre piece of the sentence. I thought his father inspired him and come to find out, it had nothing to do with his dad. Muy padre means "very cool." I spoke to my friend who is Mexican, and she said "que padre" is a very common saying for very cool as well. Diego likes to explore things and learn. One way he does this is through photography. I believe that is what he means by saying he can explore through new frontiers because its cool. I think he also expresses that education is important to him. (Thus making candles with household supplies. The last activity really helped me to understand that Diego is a well-rounded kid. This was the most important activity because he was helping others and it made him happy. He visited an orphanage and helped low income people in the community. My overall impression of the video is that Diego is a great young man. After googling many of the unknown words and watching it again, I had a better understanding of the meaning, but overall it is still very fast and I am not sure I would have understood it if I didn't break it down the way I did.

  6. The purpose of this video is for Diego to show viewers what he enjoys doing in his spare time. Diego enjoys photography, creating things, and helping others in his community. I think Diego is saying how cool photography can be and how it can influence how you view or perceive the world. I wasn't sure what "muy padre" meant and even asked one of my native Spanish-speaking friends who was also stumped. We deduced that is it slang and might mean that its cool? When he is talking about exploring new frontiers, I believe he is referring to how his hobbies can help him explore the world around him and open himself to new experiences and viewpoints. Photography is a helpful hobby because it does make you view the world differently. My reaction to this video is mixed! I wished that my students expressed interest in so many varied hobbies. I think that Diego is doing a wonderful job ignoring the siren call of his phone that I think most teenagers do answer in order to broaden his interests.

    Heather Trovinger

  7. Diego clearly has a love of learning. He takes pictures to educate himself. It is exciting to see him get excited each time he uses his camera. He also uses his exploration of photography to help others. He definitely serves a purpose by giving back to his community and helping the orphanage he showed us pictures of. I took away the purpose of the video to be that the love of learning is all around us. However, some like Diego, embrace the opportunity and are grateful for the experience. We too, should learn from Diego to always see what we can learn from our daily experiences and to always be kind to others in any way possible. Diego is a great teen role model. I could see why this video would be especially a great discussion in a school setting Spanish class.

  8. The purpose of the video was to show what Diego enjoys doing in his spare time. The phrase 'me gusta la fotografia porque es bien padre' I think means that it is the best - like a father is the head of a household, photography is the head of his interests. I'm not sure what a similar phrase would be in English but maybe 'top of the heap' or 'the bomb'.

    He likes to take pictures because he enjoys nature and expressing himself and exploring new things.
    This was a good video to listen to someone speak with some expression about different things without being too complicated.

    - Jill Armogida

  9. The purpose of this video is to explain a teenager's thinking and living his life well.
    The expression with porque es bien padre-means he loves taking photographs a whole lot.In English it is like God!I love doing this activity, means you emphasize what you like most in this way.
    He loves taking pictures of things he likes(nature-flowers,moon.landscapes...),he expresses this through photography.
    I loved this video and I would like to be like Diego.Diego is curious to learn about new things like the science experiment ,artistic and creative by taking pictures.He is also a good human being who likes to help others and give them a smile.He says that by helping others you help yourself too.That is a fact.
    I love the way he says wake up with the thought of doing what excites you and leads you to be happy.

  10. The video taught us about Diego's interests and likes! He liked photography, learning and helping others.

    When he said "Me gusta la fotografia por que es muy padre" I translated this to mean he liked photography because it was very cool. In english we might say, "It's sweet!"

    Diego liked photography because he likes to take pictures of things he likes and imagines and it helps him express himself through art. It allows him to explore new "frontiers", new places.

    I enjoyed watching the video, because I felt like I was able to understand Diego and what he was trying to communicate. I was able to see him move through the whole photography phase from taking a picture to editing. I learned about something new I could try at home too. Diego gave us a glimpse into his life and it seems like he is a cool, creative, kind guy!

  11. I feel the purpose of the video is for Diego to share his passion with his viewers. It is clear that Diego loves Photography and that it is very important to him.
    I am guessing that "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre", means that I like photography because it is something my father was very good at. 

    An expression that we have
    in English to express the same thing

    meaning might be "I followed in my father's footsteps." 

    I think that Diego likes taking pictures because he can express himself, he enjoys exploring new places and he likes helping his community. 

    I think that when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru photography" that he means that his work can take him to new places for new experiences. This way he can see new things and learn about the world. 

    I personally liked the video. I think it was a fun challenge to interpret. It was also nice to see through a "students" eye something that he was passionate about and why. 

  12. The purpose of the video was so demonstrate Diego's love of photography. He loves it and it was something that his padre(father) was also good at. Diego uses photography as a way to educate and express himself. Diego enjoys doing the same thing that his father does as well. Photography is a way for him to explore nature and the outdoors. I really enjoyed the video. Even though at times it was very difficult to understand you are able to see how passionate he is and how much he loves it.


  13. The purpose of the video is to inform us what Diego likes to do in his free time. "Me gusta la fotografía porque es bien padre" in English basically means that I like photography because it's pretty cool. Diego likes taking pictures because it is cool, and because he feels like he can express himself and create something new. I think this is such a neat video and he is such a sweetheart.

    He clearly is very observant, appreciates the little things in life like a smile or a moon, and has a wonderful heart to reach out and help out other people. I wish more children/ teens around the world were like him.

  14. What is the purpose of the video?
    Diego is talking about his interests.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    “I like photography because it’s cool.”

    -What is an expression that you have
    in English to express the same thing/meaning.
    That’s cool/awesome!

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    He likes taking pictures because he likes to express himself and because it’s very cool.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers through Personal Reaction:
    He likes to figure out how the world works, and new ways to do things.

    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I think Diego is a very charming and wholesome young person who likes to explore his world and try and make it a better place.

    I teach photography. I like when I see young people connect to photography as an artform.

  15. Carla, Kagngna, Courtney (FL-16)

    1. I like photography. It is very cool!

    2. That's really dope.

    3. Le gusta tomar fotos por que es bien artistico.

    4. Puedes ver el mundo de otro perspectivo.

    5. Me gusto mucho el video por que nos informo de algunas palabras y frases como "bien padre."

  16. BP, PM, and NL (FL Spanish 1)

    1. Diego is telling us about things he likes to do-photography, spending time with others.

    Meaning from context:
    2 I like photography because it's a fun pastime.

    3. It's neat.

    4. He is artistic and likes to express himself and explore the world through his art (photos).

    5. He's trying to say that one can see the word through a different lens (point to view).

    6. The video was interesting, it was a good way to learn new phrases and vocabulary (using context clues). It also reminds us the importance of visuals when teaching a new language.

  17. CO, CS, and LW
    1. Diego is talking about his interests, namely how he loves photography
    2. I like photography-- it's cool!
    3. It's awesome!
    4. He likes to express himself and learn through photography.
    5. He likes to see and consider different perspectives that he is able to explore with photography.
    6. It's a sweet video, and it's cool to hear the vocabulary and phrases in context.

  18. Sharon Faber

    The purpose of the video was for Diego to show what is important to him in his life – to stay engaged and happy with worthwhile endeavors and to help others.

    When Diego says “Me gusta la fotografia porque es bien padre,” perhaps he is saying that photographs educate and show him the outer and inner dimensions of the world – the way a parent would.

    When he says “you can explore new things and frontiers through photography,” he means that taking and editing photos allows him to explore new ideas and express himself artistically.

    I think the video is charming because it shows us an example of a wonderful young man with purpose and passion speaking in authentic Spanish.

  19. It seems like the purpose of the vidoe is to share some things about himself -- what he likes to do with his time and what is important to him in his life. I think Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre" translaates to "i love taking photographs; it's so cool". He says that photography is a great way to express yourself artistically, especially when you edit and make your photos very unique and turn them into pieces of art. I think this kid does a great job in this video. He give 3 unique examples of who he is and what he values, such as helping the people he loves and his community.

  20. The purpose of the video is to demonstrate the 3 most important things in Diego's life: photography, learning, and family - helping others.

    How can we say in English: "Me gusta la fotografía porque es bien padre". I think what we would say in English is that photography for him is a good mentor. We wouldn't say something specific like that, as in a phrase, but photography has taught him skills, not just in photography but with patience, and tenacity and details.

    Why do you think he likes taking pictures? I think it allows him to see details in the world and is an artistic expression.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru photography"? With photography you can take detailed images that we know to be one item but when up close can take on a whole new form.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué? I liked the video and a glad that there were subtitles, however it was still pretty hard for me to follow. I realize that I am more of a visual learning with languages right now and need the written form to understand better.

  21. ES
    Key word recognition:
    la fotografía - photograph
    actividad principal - primary activity -- favorite hobby
    expresar con el arte- to express with art
    explorar - explore
    me gustan mucho las fotografías - I really like photographs
    editar las imágenes - editing images

    What is the purpose of the video?
    The purpose of the video is for Diego to express and share his love of photography and his other hobbies and how they interact.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    I like photography because it's cool

    -What is an expression that you have in English to express the same thing/meaning.
    I'm not really sure to be honest. It translates to "it's cool" and I get that, but I don't think we say anything similar to "it's a parent to me" or something like that.

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    Diego likes taking pictures because it gets people emotional and can make them happy.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru photography?
    Art is a way for people to capture a moment in time, reconceptualize how people see things, evoke emotion in is a form of art and can do the same. The new things and frontiers explored are emotional and social as well as physically capturing the landscape.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I liked the video because I like photography. It was also helpful to watch someone speaking Spanish as a fluent language because it helps immerse in the language more which is important to learning.

  22. What is the purpose of the video? The purpose of this video is for Diego to express his interest in photography.

    How can we say in English: "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre". I like taking photographs because it’s cool.

    Why do you think he likes taking pictures? He likes capturing moments, like the sunrise, and taking pictures of his family.

    What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers through photography? I think he means that you can see the world through a different perspective. And appreciate little moments that happen throughout a day.

    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué? I liked this video because I also enjoy photography. I also liked being able to test my listening skills and try to comprehend what he was saying.

  23. The purpose of this video is to entertain the audience. When Diego says, "Me gusta la fotografia...", he is saying that he likes photography because it's cool. We would say that photography is AWESOME!

    He likes taking pictures because it's fun and he can edit them and he can explore new things through capturing it through his camera lens.

    I think that it's great that Diego like to take pictures and help people in his community. It shows his creativity and his wanting to be a good person by helping others.

    By: Barbara Vasquez

  24. Spanish: el propósito de este video es para que Diego comparta su amor de fotografía con el universo. El también demuestra humanidad al trabajar con otros, ya que le gusta ver a las personas felices.

    In english: I like photography because its very cool/hip – bien padre is slang for “its dope”.

    Me gusta la fotografía. Esto es uno de mis intereses así puedo ayudar a otros por medio de los lentes de la camera.

    A él le gusta los imagines de la naturaleza. Le gusta la naturaleza. El tiene el instincto natural de ayudar a los demás.

    Yo pienso que esto quiere decir que a él le gusta probar nuevas cosas porque a él le interesa aprender y experimentar como las cosas funcionan en el ambiente

    Me gusto el video. El demuestra mucha humanidad y el demuestra el valor de ayudar a otros y hacerlos felices.

  25. AG

    1.Diego is letting people know that he enjoys photography.
    2. I like photography because it is cool.
    3. Its cool

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    It allows him to be expressive and creative.
    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru: He sees things differently through the lens of the camera.

    Personal Reaction:
    I like the video, he seems to enjoy what he does and is very creative.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I could not access the video.

  28. Karla Y- El proposito de video es compartir las actividades favoritas de Diego y sus razones para gustarles. "Bien Padre"probablemente significa "Great or Cool Past-time" en ingles. Le gusta la fotografia porque es una forma de arte y requiere habilidades. Me gusta el video porque es una forma divertida para que los estudiantes demuestren quienes son.

  29. El proporsito de esto video es para decribir los actividades que Diego to gusta hacer en en tiempo libre y proque Diego le gusta. Diego te gusta fotographia porque "its cool". Diego le gusta forographia porquees un forma de arteen que el puede expresarse el mismo. Me gusat el video porque hay buen ideas por actividades si haceron en tiempo libre.

    Renee Seidemann

  30. Leslie W.
    The purpose of this video es to describe what Diego does in his spare time. When he says "es buen padre," I think he is using an expression that means "it's cool!" Diego likes taking pictures because it allows him to explore new frontiers, learn new things and express himself through art. I think this is is a positive video that shows us how a hobby can be fun, educational and helpful.

  31. El propósito del vídeo fue ayudarnos penser en español. El texto fue muy útil. Diego hablo muy rápido. Penso 'muy padre' significa fuerte o mayor. Discubri la frase fue una jerga mexicana. En ingles hablamos 'cool.' Pienso Diego gusta tomar fotográficas porque es muy creativo. La fotografía cambina arte y ciencia, siempre una aventura.

    I had trouble adding accents. Chromebook didn't like ALT anything. My personal computer added some accents but not others. Apologies.

  32. Diego loves photography because its cool. I had never heard someone use the slang,"padre" to express his interest in photography. He enjoys it because it lets express photography like an art.
    Brigida Portillo

  33. I believe that the purpose of this video is to view Diego's passions and things that he likes. He loves taking pictures because photography is his "thing" or passion. He enjoys it as an expression of art and exploration.

    "Me gusta la fotografía porque es bien padre". Diego likes photography because it's his "thing". In English, he may say that photography is really cool.
    I think he really enjoys taking pictures and editing them as well.
    I like this video because it gives us a chance to see the interests that a young man has, and how his love of photograpahy, curiosity with science, and love of helping others all come together.
    ~Andrea Parker

  34. "Me gusta la fotografia porque es bien padre" is like saying in English "I like photography because its cool." He likes taking pictures because he can capture the moment and he enjoys editing them afterwards. I think it was a great video for level 1 Spanish because we could really hear all the different words he was using.

  35. The purpose of this video was to be introduced to Diego, a young adult who enjoys doing three main things in his spare time: photography, learning, and community service. Diego appears to enjoy taking pictures because it opens up a new world to him and provides a way for him to express himself. Diego really likes photography because "es bien padre" - the English-equivalent of "very cool". When he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers through photography", he means that one is able to see things through a lens that was not (or cannot) be seen by the naked eye. I thought that this video packed a lot of information and vocabulary into less than 3 minutes. I watched the clipped a handful of times in order to feel more comfortable listening to Diego's seemingly fast rate of speech to try and understand what he was saying without having to rely on Google Translate.

  36. The purpose of this video is for Diego to tell us the things he loves to do. He loves taking pictures and editing them Photography is his "thing" or his "Jam". It is something he is passionate about. He enjoys exploring and as an expression of art.

    "Me gusta la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    Diego likes photography because it's his "jam". In English, he may say that photography is cool.
    He enjoys taking pictures and editing them as well.
    I like this video because it gives us a chance to listen to authentic spoken Spanish with lots of visual context . We see the interests that Diego has, his love of photography, curiosity in science and experimentation, and passion for helping others. He speaks clearly and created a great resource to practice listening.

  37. El video es por aprenderse a que el nino hace en su tiempo libre.
    I like photography because it is a good parent?
    I like photography because it makes me feel empowered.
    Se gusta haciendo fotos porque este feliz.
    This means that you can find something to extend yourself.
    Me gusta el video porque es aprendarme como el nino vive.
    -Mike Anderson

  38. The purpose of this video was to introduce Diego. Diego is a simple boy who enjoys learning new things. He loves photography and enjoys taking pictures. He loves science and expresses how there many thing you can learn from science. One of the things he's learned is to make a candle out of an orange. He also believes that you should go out and do things instead of staying home and being bored!

  39. I think he likes taking pictures because he find it fun and interesting.

    I think he means " you can explore new things ad fronteirs thru photography" as it allows you to see new things from someone elses images that you may not be able to seeing person yourself, hes eager to learn.

    I think the video was good to see that even though we speak different language we can all bond over images and explore new things together. it was inspiring to see how passionate he is about hobby at such a young age.

  40. The purpose of Diego making this video is to share his love for photography as an art. Diego enjoys taking pictures of nature and the world. I believe he says that after taking photographs it is important to look back at them and edit them.He expresses that you can experience new things through the lens of photography

  41. The purpose of the video is for Diego to share his interests and hobbies. "Es bien padre" translates to "it is good dad" which makes me think of how we use the word "man"- "it's all good, man." I think that Diego likes taking pictures because he finds beauty in life and photography allows him to express himself. When he says “you can explore new things and frontiers,” he is expressing how art is limitless. Me gusta el video porque el nino esta sincera y amable. Me gusta la fotografía porque es divertida y creativa.

  42. Key word recognition:
    la fotografía -photography
    actividad principal - main activity
    expresar con el arte- express through art
    explorar - to explore
    me gustan mucho las fotografías -I love photography

    editar las imágenes - to edit the images

    What is the purpose of the video? This video shares Diego´s passions and interests.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    I love photography, it´s good dad.

    -What is an expression that you have
    in English to express the same thing/

    It´s my jam.

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    He can express himself through his art.
    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru photography"?
    I think he means you can see beyond what is in front of you to the beauty and art of life.
    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué? I very much enjoyed this video because he included subtitles, which helps me understand his Spanish; it shared his passion and had beautiful pictures. I felt like I was close to understanding a lot of it, and that is very important to me!

  43. The purpose of the video is to introduce Diego´s hobbies and interests - specifically about his feelings about photography. I think "Me gusta la fotografía porque es bien padre" is the same as ¨I like photography because it is cool or awesome"in English. I think he likes taking pictures because it is something he enjoys and it is a way for him to express himself. For him, taking pictures is like an adventure where he can explore and see new things through the lenses or from his point of view. I enjoy watching the video and felt that I could understand most of what Diego was talking about and learned what his other interests were. - Cindy C.

  44. The purpose of the video was to introduce Diego and some of his likes. Diego really enjoys photography. I think "Me gusta la fotografía porque es bien padre" means "I like photography because it's okay or good" in English. I think Diego likes taking pictures because it gives him a way to express himself and it's enjoyable to him. He sees it as an adventure. I thought the video was interesting because it showed his passions and his joy for doing something he loves.

  45. The purpose of the video was to show us how much Diego loves photography and taking different photos. He inherited the love of photography from his father who was very talented. Diego likes to express himself and his feeling via photography. Diego also explores the world such as outdoors and nature using his camera. I liked watching the video because it was a good opportunity for me to practice my Spanish. I had to watch the video multiple times to be able to understand what Diego was sharing. Diego is very passionate about photography and express it very well in his video.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. What is the purpose of the video?
    The purpose of this video is for Diego to express his passions and how these activities make him happy, possibly encouraging his audience to explore their own passions just like he does.
    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    I like photography because it's cool.
    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    Because he can express himself through the lenses and, at the same time, explore his point of view as he sees things from new perspectives.
    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    The video is apparently beyond my level of Spanish; however, it was very educational for the following reasons. I was exposed to authentic Spanish in a way for the first time. I was able to pick up a few words by myself, thereby boosting my confidence and curiosity in the culture and language. Finally, I was impressed by the young man's positive attitude and understood that we value the same things universally across the cultures.

  48. Key word recognition:
    la fotografía - photograph
    actividad principal - main activity
    expresar con el arte- express with art
    explorar - explore
    me gustan mucho las fotografías - I really like the photographs.
    editar las imágenes - edit images

    What is the purpose of the video?
    The purpose of the video is for Diego to share some of his favorite hobbies and activities that he does in his free time, photography being his main activity.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta la fotografía porque es bien padre"?
    I like photography because it is very cool.

    -What is an expression that you have in English to express the same thing/meaning?
    It’s cool or awesome.

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    He thinks it is a very cool hobby and loves to explore the world through photography. Additionally, he enjoys the process of not only taking pictures but also editing images as a form of artistic expression.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers through photography”?
    You can see the world in a different way through photography. Taking photographs allows you to explore the world around you.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I enjoyed watching this video to learn about some of Diego’s hobbies, especially because I had the opportunity to listen to him talk in Spanish and he was speaking at a natural rate. This was challenging but good practice.

  49. - What is the purpose of the video?

    In this video, Diego wants to show us what he likes doing in his spare time and what activities are the most important to him.

    - Guessing meaning from context:

    El idioma “es bien padre” significa algo genial.

    -What is an expression that you have
    in English to express the same thing?

    I have heard many people saying: “that’s sick” or “that’s mint” when they were referring to something cool.

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    I believe that he likes taking pictures because he likes to express himself through art. He also thinks that photography is cool and he likes taking pictures of things he likes.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru

    I believe that Diego can explore new things and photography is a tool that allows him to do it.

    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué? Photography"?
    I really liked this video because it was quite easy to follow in Spanish. A few times, I had to pause the video to translate some words to understand Diego better. Nonetheless, in general it was a nice and short video to watch. What is more, it is nice to see that teenagers have "es muy padre" hobbies as photography.


  50. What is the purpose of the video?
    The purpose of this video is for Diego to express his interests.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    2 I like photography because it's a fun pastime.

    3. It's neat.

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    It is his hobby and he enjoys doing it.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru
    He likes to see different points of view through his camera and share it with others.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?

    I enjoyed watching the video. I was able to understand what he was say.

    -Melissa Wong

  51. The purpose of this video is for Diego to show viewers what he enjoys doing in his spare time. Diego enjoys photography, creating things, and helping others in his community. I think Diego is saying how cool photography can be and how it can influence how you view or perceive the world. I wasn't sure what "muy padre" meant and even asked one of my native Spanish-speaking friends who was also stumped. We deduced that is it slang and might mean that its cool? When he is talking about exploring new frontiers, I believe he is referring to how his hobbies can help him explore the world around him and open himself to new experiences and viewpoints. Photography is a helpful hobby because it does make you view the world differently. My reaction to this video is mixed! I wished that my students expressed interest in so many varied hobbies. I think that Diego is doing a wonderful job ignoring the siren call of his phone that I think most teenagers do answer in order to broaden his interests.


  52. The purpose of this video is for Diego to show and explain his favorite past times. He really enjoys taking pictures, extending his learning/education, and helping others. In the video Diego says, "me gusta la fotografia porque es muy padre." I think that he means that he likes photography because he thinks it is very cool. I think that he says that photography can help him explore new things and frontiers because it allows him to see things from a new perspective and to have the opportunity to go to places he might not have had the chance to go. It creates a desire to explore the world and places different from his home. I think this video was great because he was able to get his point across and show his interests as well. It was also easy for me to follow and understand.

    -Sarah Kim

  53. What is the purpose of the video?
    To show how the boy expresses himself through art.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    I like photography like it’s a good father…..??

    -What is an expression that you have
    in English to express the same thing?
    Photography is like a father to me…?

    Meaning: I learn a lot through photography.

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    It allows him to express his personality.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru
    Taking pictures allows you to see the world from different perspectives and angles.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I liked it because it was difficult for me to understand but also an authentic way to play with the language.

    I also love photography because it can be tailored to your personal taste. Almost everyone can be a photographer now because we all carry phones with cameras in them.

    -Jesse Stradnick

  54. What is the purpose of the video?
    The purpose of this video is for Diego to explain what he likes to do in his free time.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    I like photography because it is fun.

    -What is an expression that you have in English to express the same thing/meaning.
    It is cool or fun.

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    He likes exploring new things.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru
    He can explore new things from different perspectives and share them with others.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I liked this video because it was easy to follow but made me pay attention and try to understand someone speaking in Spanish.

    I enjoy photography as it is a good way to capture memories and share with others.

    ~ Jennifer Wright

  55. What is the purpose of the video?
    Diego really enjoys the arts. It is how he expresses himself.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    He feels that photography is a good teacher like a dad.

    -What is an expression that you have
    in English to express the same thing?
    Its like a father to me.

    Meaning: I learn a lot through photography.

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    It lets him see the beauty in the world.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru

    He is able to see the beauty in the world through a different lens.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I enjoyed hearing about his passions and I enjoyed the opportunity to listen in Spanish along with the subtitles.

    I also love photography but I am not really great at it. I have a nice camera that I still do not really know how to use. What i see in my mind doesn´t always come out on film..

    Shannon Jones

  56. What is the purpose of the video?
    The video is about things that Diego likes to do.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    I like photography because it is a is cool.

    -What is an expression that you have
    in English to express the same thing/meaning.
    Photograph is fun.

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures? He gets to see things differently.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru
    It takes him to new places.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I liked the video because I thought it was an interesting exercise because I had to really focus on what is being said.
    to see if I could understand anything.

    I like to take pictures of my friends and family to remember times we spend together.

    Dana E

  57. Deborah Herring
    • What is the purpose of the video?
    Diego talks about the things he likes. He shares his passion for photography. He wants everyone to know why photography is important to him.
    • How can we say in English: "Me gusta la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    This means that photography has taught him a lot.
    • What is an expression that you have in English to express the same thing/meaning?
    necessity is the mother of invention
    • Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    He likes taking pictures because it is a way for him to show his interests and to meet new people.
    • What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers through photography?
    He means that he can really express his individuality and learn new things through photography.
    • What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I think Diego is a nice young man. It is good to see a young person with a passion and a hobby.

  58. I think the purpose of the video is to introduce us to young man and learn about him. He likes photography, creating new things (a candle from an organge) and helping others in his community.
    I believe his expression about photography is like saying it is important to him...that he learns much from it.
    Photography seems to be a way for him to be creative, express himself and view everyday things from different perspectives.It is an art form that lets him him explore and view things in different ways. His editing of images is part of this as well.
    I really enjoyed the video.I love the opportunity to learn about young adults, see and here what things they are interested in and what is important to them. I think adults need to do more listening:)

  59. The video is going very fast, it is hard for me to follow. It seems though that the purpose of the video is for Diego to explain his favorite activities, the first being photography. He can express himself through art. I think he says he likes to take pictures of the moon. He says education is very important to him. He asks if you know how to turn an orange into a candle. He says it's incredible learning science. His third and most important activity is to be happy and help others. He wants to enjoy life more. Something about when the sun rises. I guess the point of the video is to find out things he likes to do, that make him happy.

  60. What is the purpose of the video?
    The purpose of this video is for Diego to talk about what he likes to do in his spare time. He enjoys photography and being able to express himself, learning, especially science, and being happy and helping others.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta la fotografía porque es bien padre". What is an expression that you have in English to express the same thing/meaning?
    This would translate to "I like photography because it is cool." Teenagers have many English expressions that mean the same thing. Lately they might say it's lit, it's sick, it's awesome, it's dope, etc.

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    Diego likes taking pictures because it is a creative outlet he can use to express himself. It is something fun he can do to explore the world and learn something new.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers through photography"?
    He means that he can learn new things about the world he lives in through the pictures he takes. It takes him to new places.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I enjoyed this video. It was nice to see a kid's hobbies and get to know what the enjoy doing in their spare time.

  61. The purpose of the video is to inform us what Diego likes to do in his free time. He says he likes photography because it's pretty cool. Diego likes taking pictures because it is cool, and because he feels like he can express himself and create something new. I think this is such a neat video and he is such a sweetheart.

    He clearly is very observant, appreciates the little things in life like a smile or a moon, and has a wonderful heart to reach out and help out other people. I wish more children/ teens around the world were like him.

  62. The purpose of the video is to tell us about Diego and his love of photography. He likes to take pictures because it helps him to observe and analyze the world around him, and he learns from his photographs. He believes taking pictures is "cool", and by taking pictures he can remember good times he has spent with his family and his friends.

    I liked this video because (though I am new to learning Spanish) I was able to decipher a lot of what Diego was saying and I could relate to his feelings. His love of photography is truly a passion for him. It allows him to look at life from another perspective, and to capture a moment in time, which is why I also love photography. It allows us to deeply reflect on something that happened in our past, and helps us to treasure those memories.

  63. 1. How can we say in English: "Me gustala fotografía porque es bien padre"? Photography is cool/ sick/ sweet!

    2. What is an expression that you have in English to express the same thing/ meaning. "that's dope!"

    3. Why do you think he likes taking pictures? I think he learns a lot about the world via photography.

    4. What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers through photography? He means it's a cool way to explore the world and see things in a different way, through a different perspective!

    5. What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué? I liked the video because it was cool seeing what I could pick up on in Spanish. Quite a bit! -Michal S.


  64. What is the purpose of the video? The purpose of the video is for a young man to share his hobbies.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre".

    I like photography because of my dad.

    -What is an expression that you have
    in English to express the same thing/meaning.
    Photography is awesome!

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    Diego likes to take pictures because its an artistic avenue where he can express himself.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers through photography? Diego means that he is able to learn new things by practicing his photography.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I like this video because it allows me to learn how to speak Spanish a bit more fluently.

  65. Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre". Means - I like photography because it’s cool.

    -What is an expression that you have
    in English to express the same thing/ meaning - It’s all that!

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures? Pedro likes taking pictures because he gets to see the world through his lens. It’s an artistic outlet for him.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru photography?
    He likes to explore and try new things. Seeing new and different things and having different experiences makes him explore the world around him.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I enjoyed the video and listening to this young man express his interests.

  66. Purpose of the video is to show a teenager expressing the things that interest him and keep him happy

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre". Means - I like photography because it’s cool/awesome

    -What is an expression that you have
    in English to express the same thing/ meaning That is neat!

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures? Pedro likes taking pictures because he gets to see the world through his lens. It’s an artistic outlet for him.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru photography?
    He can see the world a whole new way through the lens of a camera
    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I enjoyed the video because he is about the age of my students and it is refreshing to hear someone his age expressing himself

  67. The purpose of this video is to tell about Diego and how much he enjoys photography. When Diego says, "Mla faotgrafic porque es bien padre", I think he is saying that he likes photography because it's cool. We would use a phrase such as it's the best or it's awesome.

    I think Diego enjoys taking pictures because it's fun and he can edit them and he can explore new things through capturing it through the lens of the camera.

    I think that Diego liking pictures shows his creative side and he gets to capture moments on his camera that will last a lifetime.

    D. Neely

  68. Key word recognition:
    la fotografía - the photograph
    actividad principal - first activity
    expresar con el arte- to express with art
    explorar - to explore
    me gustan mucho las fotografías - I like the photos a lot.

    editar las imágenes - to edit images

    What is the purpose of the video?
    I think the purpose was for Diego to explain his hobbies and how much he enjoys photography.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    I think its another way to say the photograph is "good" or "cool"

    -What is an expression that you have
    in English to express the same thing/meaning.
    An expression in English would be "tight"?

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures? I think he likes taking pictures because he can manipulate them and be expressive.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru photography"?

    He means that with photography, a whole new world opens up. It allows for different perspectives and audiences to mesh.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I thought it was a good skit. Very easy to follow and Diego spoke clearly

  69. What is the purpose of the video?
    To explain what he likes to do any why.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    I like to take photos because it's cool.

    -What is an expression that you have
    in English to express the same thing/
    "It's awesome, man/bro"

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    Because he gets to explore/take pictures of things that he likes.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru Photography"
    You get to travel around to find new places to take pictures.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I think it was helpful in better understanding how to use me gusta.

  70. Purpose
    The purpose of the video is to show that Diego likes to take pictures.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    "Me gusta la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    “I like photography because it’s cool.”

    1. He enjoys taking pictures of what he likes! Also he gets to see new places

    I thought it was a great photo and relative to our students to talk about! Cameras are on all phones. Great way to get important vocabulary

  71. Key word recognition:
    la fotografía - the photograph
    actividad principal - first activity
    expresar con el arte- to express with art
    explorar - to explore
    me gustan mucho las fotografías - I like the photos a lot.

    editar las imágenes - to edit images

    What is the purpose of the video?
    I think the purpose was for Diego to explain how he enjoys his hobby of taking photographs.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    This is a way to say the photograph is a good picture.

    -What is an expression that you have
    in English to express the same thing/meaning.
    An expression in English would be "dope".

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    I think he likes taking pictures because he can express himself though his art.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers thru photography"?

    He means that with photography your creativity is limtless.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?
    I thought Diego spoke very clearly. I enjoyed this practice in trying to understand a native Spanish speaker.

  72. Key word recognition:
    la fotografía - the photograph
    actividad principal - the first activity
    expresar con el arte- to express with art
    explorar - to explore
    me gustan mucho las fotografías - I like the photos a lot.

    editar las imágenes -edit the images

    What is the purpose of the video?

    The purpose of this video is for Diego to explain how he enjoys taking photographs.

    Guessing meaning from context:
    -How can we say in English: "Me gusta
    la fotografía porque es bien padre".
    I like photography because it is really cool.

    -What is an expression that you have
    in English to express the same thing/meaning.
    An expression that means the same thing is “That thing is bad.”

    -Why do you think he likes taking pictures?

    He likes taking pictures because he can express himself through photography.

    -What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers through photography"?

    Through photography the possibilities are endless.

    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? ¿Por qué?

    I thought Diego was very passionate about his hobby.

  73. Key word Recognition
    La fotografia-the photograph
    actividad principal-first activity
    expresar con el arte-express with art
    explorar-to explore
    me gustan mucho las fotografias-I like the photos a lot
    editar las imagenes-edit the images

    What is the purpose of the video?
    The purpose of the video is for Diego to share his passion for photography.

    Guessing meaning from the context;
    How can we say in English: "Me gusta la fotografia porque es bien padre". Photography is cool

    What is an Expression that you have in English to express the same thing/meaning.
    Taking pictures is lit.

    Why do you think he likes taking pictures?
    Diego likes to take photographs because it is an easy way to connect to people, family and friends.
    What does he mean when he says that "you can explore new things and frontiers through photography?
    Diego can share his viewpoint of how he sees the world through his photos.
    Personal Reaction:
    What is your opinion about this video? Porque?
    I thought it was a great video. I had to listen it to several times. I picked up more words each time I listened. Diego likes to explore and likes his education.

    He likes to take photos because it is a way to connect to people, family and friends.
